
Dear Pilgrims, Dear Friends,

I am pleased to welcome you to the Pilgrimage website.

The process whereby we have gathered and arranged Jewish historical records from Debrecen and Nagykálló, restored Jewish historical properties and started to get them all into a presentable state is only at its initial stage. The renovation of buildings and the opening of exhibitions is only the first step in the long journey we have embarked on and our goal is to allow all interested parties and visitors to get an insight into a small piece of history.

However, the story that is the focal point of our work, dates back to several thousand years and we hope that it will continue to be written for thousands of years to come. This small region has contributed several chapters to the history of the Jewish people that is worth sharing with a wider audience. If we, who want to present this story, can work together with you, who are interested in it, we all have done our share to ensure that this history continues.

Our Pilgrimage concentrates on Debrecen and Nagykálló, the former is an urbanized Jewish community and the latter is a world-famous community organized around the Wonder-Working Rabbi Eisik Taub. We tried to help you with providing some points of reference but the task and experience of discovery is only yours. My colleagues and I wish you the best of luck and lots of joy on your journey.

Tamás Horovitz
President of the Jewish Community of Debrecen


2025. február 15.  | 


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  • 4025 Debrecen, Pásti u. 4.
  • 4025 Debrecen, Kápolnási u. 1.


  • Elnök: Horovitz Tamás
  • Alelnökök: Keresztes Attila
                    Dr. Grosz Zsuzsanna
  • Elérhetőség: 4025 Debrecen,
                       Bajcsy Zs. u. 26 sz.
  • Ügyfélfogadás: hétköznapokon 8:00 – 14:00